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Install the Xpdeep Package#

Xpdeep package is stored in our own repository.

To access the repository, you need to request credentials from your administrator, or from our support team via the email

Then, add the adequate configuration depending on which python installer you use, please refer to some examples below.


Currently, python 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 are supported. We provide installation guidelines for two package managers : poetry (recommended) and pip


 python -m pip install xpdeep==2.3.0 xpdeep-api-client==2.3.9 xpdeep-schema-api==2.5.6 -U --extra-index-url https://{username}:{password}
  • Save your credentials

First, save your credentials in a poetry.toml file located in your project root folder, or use an env variable.

In a poetry.toml file, in your root directory:

username = "myusername"
password = "mypassword"
  • Set up a poetry environment

If you already have a poetry environment setup, make sure that your python version does not allow versions >=3.13 and skip this step.

To setup a new poetry environment, execute the following commands with your desired project name,

poetry init --python=">=3.10,<3.13"
  • Update poetry sources

Because the Xpdeep package repository is private, you need to add it to the available poetry repositories.

poetry source add --priority=explicit xpdeep_source

If you used a custom source name for the repository, do not forget to update the credentials in your poetry.toml file accordingly.

  • Install the package
poetry add --source "xpdeep_source" xpdeep==2.3.0 xpdeep-api-client==2.3.9 xpdeep-schema-api==2.5.6

Get an API Key#

To use the API you must use an API key. If you use our solution on premise, contact your administrator.

On the cloud: please visit the XpViz website.

Navigate to:

My Account (bottom right) ->  Three Dots -> API Keys -> Add new key

Use the API Key#

Use your api_key and api_url in:

from xpdeep import init

init(api_key="api_key", api_url="api_url")